The Attack On Titan film (based on the hit Japanese comic book and cartoon series of the same name) is set to premiere in Japan on August 1st. However we, the inhabitants of the United States of America got the film’s world premiere last Tuesday, courtesy of the cartoon’s American distributor, FUNimation Entertainment.
This new trailer delves into some of the “rules” for Attack On Titan‘s fantasy world; for instance, the fact that the titular Titans are seemingly invincible save for a small weak spot on the back of their necks. It also introduces the apparent turning point in the story: the emergence of a Titan that kills its own kind (to put the magnitude of this in perspective, imagine if on The Walking Dead, a zombie appeared and started biting other zombies).
After Attack On Titan’s August release, a follow-up film (shot at the same time as the first; much like The Hobbit, or the last two Rurouni Kenshin films) will be released in September.