With so many popular animated shows under Netflix’s belt from Voltron to Love Death and Robots, animation fans are curious to whether or not they’ll finally release feature-length animated films. Luckily, Netflix has decided to take a risk with their new 2-D Animated film Klaus from Despicable Me series co-creator Sergio Pablos. An official trailer for this upcoming Christmas film was just released.
Klaus centers around a postman named Jesper Johansen (Jason Schwartzman) who has been perceived as the absolute worst student at his school. When he is set to deliver mail up north in this town called Smeerensburg, he comes across an old man who builds toys in his free time known as Mr. Klaus (J.K. Simmons). Realizing that the town they’re in is known as the unhappiest place on Earth, Jesper decides to team up with Mr. Klaus to give gifts to all of Smeerensburg’s citizens to make it a much less depressing place. All of this is done in an adventure that helps bring meaning to the holiday of Christmas.
Based on the animated short of the same name, Klaus looks to be a delightful feature with some gorgeous 2D animation. Enthusiasts of the medium have been waiting for more 2D animation in theaters and ,while Klaus is primarily a streaming release, it is set for a theatrical release a few days prior to its Netflix premiere. It’s unknown how wide of a release the Netflix film will have, though the fact it’s getting a theatrical release at all is still a strong sign that a for 2D animation still exists. Regardless of how animation fans see it, Klaus looks to be another fun little animated film to look out for this holiday season.
Klaus is set for a limited November 8th theatrical release will be released on Netflix on November 15th. Watch the full trailer below: