In the past few months, the untitled upcoming Han Solo anthology film has gone through a fair amount of unexpected difficulties and alterations. It looks like another change will occur before the movie hits the big screens: Actor Michael K. Williams (The Wire), who played a humanoid-creature hybrid, will not be able to return to set for reshoots. Because of this, his character has been culled. The change is not out of any ill will or criticism for his acting; it just simply wasn’t feasible for the film crew to wait from him to return from his other job, making The Red Sea Diving Resort, for which he is currently on set.
After all the setbacks due to the (most likely) less favorable studio reception of the film and the fact that both directors, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (The Lego Movie), dropped from the project, it seems like Lucasfilms is keen to ensure that the film will hit theaters by its planned date in May 2018. That being said, audiences are getting used to a new Star Wars movie in December anyways, so it could have been a wise idea to delay the film until then. It sounds like Lucasfilms is dealing with completing a lot of work in a short amount of time, and perhaps it would be beneficial to focus on creating a good movie, not a timely one. This might help decrease the pressure towards new director Ron Howard and the film crew as well.
Hopefully all of the chaos in during shooting will result in a better movie. Until then, we will have to wait for May 25, 2018 to see how it all ends up.