Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine, Where to Invade Next, Fahrenheit 9/11) is an Oscar-winning documentarian known for his controversial films and political activism. Moore is responsible for the highest grossing documentary of all time, Fahrenheit 9/11, which earned over $222 million at the worldwide box office while shining a critical light on the George W. Bush administration. Moore doesn’t hide his liberal views in his documentaries, which invites much criticism from conservatives.
On September 21, Moore releases Fahrenheit 11/9, which clearly riffs on the name of his most popular film, which itself is a play on Fahrenheit 451. It also references November 9 2016, the day America elected Trump president. In the documentary, Moore asks a simple question: ”How the F— did this happen?” We assume the film explores this question in great detail, and knowing Moore, he won’t be afraid to tackle weighty topics.
Watch the trailer below.