Deadline has dropped recent news of Dead Zone, an apocalyptic military film that features a new strange creature. In a town polluted with radiation, a trio of soldiers is sent in hostile territory to stop the spread of the apocalypse. The elite team is suddenly faced with something worse than they expected hiding in a destroyed town. It will take a lot of bullets to get the job done, but hopefully, they have what it takes to save humanity in time.
The elite soldiers include Antuone Torbert, Chad Michael Collins, who is known best as Sgt. Brandon Beckett in the Sniper trilogy, and martial artist, actor and director Michael Jai White.
The production company of this film is Automatic Entertainment. The producers of the film include Michael Lurie, Jeffrey Giles, Tarken Dospil, and director Hank Braxtan. The project is currently filming and Automatic Entertainment has not announced a release date.