Ever since Iron Man in 2008, the post credit scenes at the end of each Marvel film have hinted at the next steps of the Marvel cinematic universe. Each sequence either deals with a cute, funny moment or a big reveal to hint at a future installment, whether it be another sequel or an event film like Infinity War. Now that Endgame has been screened for audiences already, it has been reported that the film does not have a mid or post credits sequence.
Avengers: Endgame is the first Marvel movie in quite some time to not include a sneakpeek scene, though there will be a very short audio clip at the very end of the credits which, if you don’t mind the mild spoilers, is described here.
Despite the disappointment some fans may have with this decision, it does make sense in the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Given that Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame were the main events that Marvel has been leading up to since 2012 with the first Avengers movie, there is a lot of thought of “What else is there to show?” With a big end to the Infinity Saga Marvel has built up for years, this film not having a sequence that directly links up to a later film does make sense as Marvel is entering a transition period going into Phase 4. and most info is likely either up in the air or on heavy lockdown.
Avengers: Endgame hits theaters April 26.