While the conclusion of Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron may have raised some questions pertaining to the status of everybody’s favorite green menace, actor Mark Ruffalo (Spotlight) has informed audiences not to expect any answers regarding Hulk’s whereabouts in Marvel’s upcoming Captain America: Civil War.
Ruffalo recently revealed to Italian site Bad Taste that the Hulk was removed from the script for Civil War, stating that the creative forces behind the film wanted to maintain the mystery of what exactly has happened to Bruce Banner.
“The reason is too great to be revealed. I was in the script but then they removed my character. They don’t want to reveal where is he and why. I don’t even know if Hulk will be back soon.”
This information goes against previous claims that both Ruffalo and co-star Robert Downey Jr. (The Judge) stated regarding the Hulk appearing in Civil War. At one point, it was heavily rumored that the Hulk would crossover with everybody’s favorite rag-tag space team- the Guardians of the Galaxy, for James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2, but the director ended those reports. Gunn didn’t mince words when he stated that the rumors were “complete bullshit” and perhaps collectively broke the hearts of fanboys everywhere.
A lot of the Hulk theorizing has predictably come from his send-off in Age of Ultron and many had at one point suspected that Marvel had set up Banner for the Planet Hulk story line from the comics. In the story, the Hulk is sent to space and crash lands on another planet, where he’s tasked with partaking in gladiator battles for an emperor. Eventually, however, the Hulk is able to lead a group of rebels against the emperor and overtake his empire, becoming the king of the planet.
Ultimately, the Planet Hulk rumors have died down and given way to a bevy of new and, as of yet, unfounded theories. All of this, of course, has only added to the mystery and anticipation of seeing where exactly the Hulk will appear, and under what circumstances.