After so many images building up to this film, the live-action film adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog gets its first trailer. Despite the negative reception of the design of the title character and direction of the film, fans were also curious to see what the trailer for this video game adaptation has to offer.
The trailer starts out with Sonic running past a cop played by James Marsden, and then we see the Paramount logo with Sonic’s iconic rings around it. It eventually shows Sonic getting a running start and eventually crashing in his home where Gangsta Paradise by Coolio starts playing. We’re then introduced to Jim Carrey as Eggman appears and being said to be the only one to stop the threat of Sonic. Meanwhile James Marsden’s Cop Character encounters Sonic, shooting him with a tranquilizer gun after being shocked by his appearance. It shows that he eventually teams up with Sonic and a few smaller action set pieces including a scene where Sonic dodges missiles much like the Quicksilver’s sequence in X-Men: Days of Future Past. The trailer ends with Marsden hiding Sonic in a bag and shortly after shows Carrey looking even more like Dr. Eggman in one quick final shot.
The trailer does aim to be a more comedic take with some action set pieces, however some are still arguing whether or not this needs to be in live action. Many are still unsure of the direction of making Sonic a more realistic looking character as opposed to his initial cartoony design that many were so found of. It can be comparable to other video game movies that lacked the tone and feeling of the games from which they were based. While things are looking up for the genre with Detective Pikachu being stated as the possible first well received video game movie, Sonic the Hedgehog might not be so lucky in that department.
Sonic the Hedgehog is set to release on November 8th 2019
Full Trailer Below: