For his next project, Leonardo DiCaprio “The Actor” will step aside in favor of Leonardo DiCaprio “The Wildlife Conservationist.” DiCaprio’s production company, Appian Way, is partnering with Langley Park Productions to secure the movie rights to the animal rights book American Wolf.
The book, soon to be penned by author Nate Blakeslee, will chronicle the life and death of the beloved Yellowstone alpha wolf O-Six. Her name, originating from the year she was born, comes straight from her fans. Part of the famed Lamar Canyon Pack, she played an integral part in the wolf population of Yellowstone, maintaining a relationship with the park’s researchers and wildlife enthusiasts until she was shot and killed by a hunter just outside of the park borders in 2012. Although wolves were taken off the Endangered Species List in 2011, making the killing of O-Six technically legal, the unique pathos of this story will aim to connect audiences to wildlife and its preservation.
Appian Way is no stranger to the wildlife-rights genre, with two untitled animal projects still in the works, as well as DiCaprio’s continued work with the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation, a philanthropic organization dedicated to wildlife preservation all around the world. Although Blakeslee has yet to put pen to paper on the book, American Wolf has an awaiting fanbase and has already generated enough buzz to garner this high-profile movie deal. DiCaprio, fresh off of his Oscar nominated-role in The Wolf of Wall Street, has a busy upcoming schedule as he looks to shoot both The Revenant and The Ballad of Richard Jewell in the coming months.