Jonah Hill has confirmed his involvement in Gus Van Sant’s next film, while it was reported that Rooney Mara is still in negotiations to sign onto the film. Although it has not yet been announced what role he will be playing, Joaquin Phoenix is already attached to the project to tackle the lead role of John Callahan, a man who turned to art after being paralyzed at the age of 21.
Based on the 1989 autobiography Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot: The Autobiography of a Dangerous Man by John Callahan himself, the Portland-based artist is known for drawing cartoons by clutching a pen between both hands. The eccentric artist was adopted as an infant into a family with five other children. He allegedly began drinking alcohol at age 12, and gave it up by age 27. His work was published in magazines such as The New Yorker and Playboy. Callahan passed away in 2010.
Since its publication in 1989, the book has been eyed by filmmakers for a film adaptation. The late Robin Williams was circling the lead role of Callahan for years.
Jonah Hill has made the transition from comedy actor to dramatic actor over the last few years, starring in film such as Moneyball, The Wolf of Wallstreet, Hail Caesar and War Dogs. But Hill has not entirely departed from his comedy; he wrote and voiced the lead character in this year’s R-rated animated film Sausage Party. It has not yet been announced what role he will be playing in the film. Expect to see Hill next in Clint Eastwood’s The Ballad of Richard Jewell alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as rejoining Channing Tatum in the next Jump Street film, MIB 23, which, as evident by the title, will be a crossover with the Men In Black series.
Rooney Mara has been making the film festival rounds this year, with films Lion, Una, and The Secret Scripture. Even if she doesn’t sign on for this film, expect to see her early next year in Terrence Malik’s Weightless, and well as A Ghost Story with Casey Affleck. After that, look for Mara to portray title role in the upcoming film Mary Magdalene, as well as demonstrate her singing skills in Vox Lux with Jude Law and Annette with Adam Driver.
Director Gus Van Sant is most well-known for directing Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s breakout film Goodwill Hunting (for which they won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay). He also directed Sean Penn in his academy award winning performance in Milk. This upcoming project will allow him to reunite with Joaquin Phoenix, after directing him in 1995’s To Die For.
Iconoclast and Anonymous Content are producing the film.
No release date has been announced.