According to sources confirmed by Variety and Deadline, Jay Ryan has officially been cast to portray the adult version of Ben Hanscom in the much anticipated sequel to the Stephen King classic horror IT: Chapter Two.
Ryan will join the likes of Jessica Chastain (Beverly Marsh), Bill Hader (Richie Tozier), and James McAvoy (Bill Denbrough).
Director Andy Muschietti will return to the sequel to the 2017 remake of King’s classic story, and joining him will be Bill Skarsgard as the undeniably terrifying Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
2017’s IT followed a group of misfit friends in their fight against the horror-riddled clown and town, and the sequel will establish the same characters’ reunion and struggles later in life when the menacing clown returns to the forefront of their minds.
There have been talks about the original, child cast members joining the second film in flashback scenes. The film will begin shooting this summer and will hit theaters on September 6, 2019.
The sequel is expected to make quite a smash at box offices after the major success of the first film. The first film made $700 million worldwide and $327 million domestically.