James Gunn Shares His Approach To Working On ‘The Authority’ Film

A new DC film is in the works. From DC Comics, The Authority, which first began on the pages of the Wildstorm series, an independent superhero setting from then-burgeoning comic book publisher Image Comics, founded in 1992 by Jim Lee, now Chief Creative Officer of DC Comics. Wildstorm is the kind of hard-edged ’90s kid’s version of a Marvel Comics title that Lee and his fellow artists abandoned to start their own publishing house, and The Authority is the founder’s superhero team, Stormwatch.

Launching in 1999 with the team of Warren Ellis and animator Brian Hitch, who gave the comic book a vast visual language inspired by blockbusters. Ellis envisioned his team as an alternate version of DC’s Justice League, but one that would engage and exercise its will in a world much more like ours. Some of the characters that make the comic book include the power of electricity, which eventually evolved as a 20th-century human embodiment, and magic-wielding mystics like Doctor Strange knew no bounds, along with the Engineer (who shed her blood for 10 A pint-pumped scientist (replacing nanites that can build essentially anything), Swift and the tag team of Midnighter and Apollo, clear analogs of Superman and Batman.

The Direct shares Gunn’s approach to the project:

“So this is one of my real passion projects. I’ve been working really hard on it with the writers, we’re starting to put together the entire story. This is a big movie. […] I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the authority WildStorm characters. WildStorm was a comics imprint that was bought by DC that I really love, we’re moving a lot of these WildStorm characters into the DCU.”

Stay tuned for more breaking news regarding the DC Universe.

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