James Gunn, who was recently promoted to co-head of the newly formed DC Studios, revealed how he feels about leaving the popular Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. Speaking with Deadline, Gunn expressed his confidence level in where he left the characters in his final outing with the characters.
“I feel really comfortable. I feel really good. We did this. I think this is a bit of goofy fun that the Guardians needed as an aperitif for Volume 3, which is an enormous film. I had a plan from the beginning.” Gunn continues, “The reason why I needed to finish this is because I love the character of Rocket (Racoon) more than any character I’ve ever dealt with before, and I needed to finish his story and that is what Volume 3 is about. I absolutely needed to do it, and I think we’ve done it in a spectacular way that I can’t wait for people to see.”
Gunn was also asked who would take over shepherding the Guardian’s story when he is gone.
“It’s not ever going to be the same group of characters for a lot of different reasons. Who knows what will happen with the Guardians franchise in regards to future characters, but in terms of this group of characters, this is the end of their story.”
The Guardians of the Galaxy franchise has earned nearly $1.6 billion since its release in 2014. The next installment in the Guardian’s journey will be a holiday special, followed by the third and final film with Gunn attached.
Stay with mxdwn for more news about Gunn and the Guardians of the Galaxy.