J.J. Abrams and Edgar Wright Come Together for ‘Collider’

The Worlds End - PhotocallThe Worlds End - Photocall

As per usual with movies from J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions, details on the upcoming Collider are scarce. The film will be directed by Edgar Wright, coming off the conclusion of “The Cornetto Trilogy” with The World’s End, and written by Mark Protosevich (I Am Legend, Thor). No release date has been announced.

In an interview with Ain’t It Cool News regarding Spike Lee’s Oldboy remake, Protosevich disclosed that Collider will have a different tone from Wright’s previous work. This time the director will go for a “smart and scary” vibe. While Wright’s previous films were certainly comedies, Shawn of the Dead was a comedy with zombies. A smart horror movie would not be too much of a departure from Edgar Wright’s style and certainly not for the mystery-loving J.J. Abrams. Wright is no stranger to mysterious conspiracies either given his work on Hot Fuzz and The World’s End.

As demonstrated by the releases of Cloverfield and Star Trek Into Darkness, Abrams has a habit of withholding information from his audience in order to work the suspense of the film into the advertising. We can expect that further details about the story of Collider to remain vague.

Edgar Wright’s current directorial project, Ant-Man, will arrive in theaters on July 31, 2015.

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