Indonesian horror is making headway internationally, with The Draft as the latest addition to the Fantastic Fest lineup. Directed by Indonesian filmmaker Rahabi Mandra, the film has been selected for its world premiere at the 2024 Fantastic Fest, one of the most renowned genre film festivals globally.
The film, produced by Timo Tjahjanto and “starring top Indonesian talent,” explores a uniquely Indonesian story that is sure to captivate audiences. The Draft is set in a rural village and reveals the horrors that arise when a military draft descends upon a community. The narrative is expected to blend supernatural elements with the very real fears of war and conscription, a combination that has been a hallmark of Indonesian horror’s recent success on the global stage.
Blue Finch Films has picked up international sales rights for The Draft, further signaling the film’s potential success beyond its home country. “Blue Finch Films is thrilled to be part of the film’s journey,” especially given the rising interest in Indonesian genre films.
The inclusion of The Draft at Fantastic Fest underscores the moviegoer’s demand for Indonesian horror in the international film circuit. The Draft is poised to stand out at the festival, contributing to the global recognition of Indonesian cinema.
As the film prepares to make its debut, industry insiders are keeping a close eye on its reception, which could pave the way for more Indonesian films to break into international markets. “Fantastic Fest is the perfect launchpad for this gripping horror film,” highlighting the potential for The Draft to leave a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.