IATSE Continues Foward With New Contract

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees or IATSE, has moved forward with overwhelming support with new three-year contract with big studios that see an increase in wages, stronger protections, and some ground gained in the fight back against AI being forced onto employees. IATSE announced that an overwhelming 85.9% voted to show support for the basic agreement with Hollywood, the union’s answer to getting increased wages amid inflation and strengthening residuals from streaming platforms.

In the case of the Area Standard Agreement, 87.2 voted in favor of the terms marking a historic high turnout for the voters of IATSE which runs off a delegation system as a result of the large area covered by the union members in different cities. Even with the high numbers showing approval for the new contracts ratifying them and quelling the fears of another strike many more members still feel that not enough was done to stop AI from harming the industry workers.

The disagreement stems from the language used in the contracts regarding the constraints against AI, in quotes shared with Variety, many felt that the contracts did not do enough to protect against the studios taking work from productions and members and nonmembers being obligated by studios to train AI. The AI struggle is real with IATSE making a point in the contract that is to be ratified on August 1st of this year that studios that use AI must compensate the displaced workers by offering retraining and pensions. The current contract also states that studios may not make union members use AI in any capacity that would cause another union member to lose their position.

The concerns of AI continue to grow with many lawsuits being levied against the tech companies between copyright infringement of artists who did not consent to have their work trained the AI and the current additions as seen in the contracts with IATSE trying to protect the industry workers.

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