The Ready Player One franchise is being brought to life thanks to Futureverse, the AI and metaverse technology company that elevates the gaming experience. Co-founded by Ready Player One novelist Ernest Cline, Futureverse has launched a new company called Readyverse Studios. Shara Senderoff, Dan Farah, and Aaron McDonald will also be partnering.
The 2011 novel and 2018 film of the same name are set in a dystopian future centered around AI and the gaming world. Readyverse’s endgame is to bring worldwide fans into the metaverse to experience virtual and augmented realities, much like the franchise’s premise. There is already talk of partnership with “a few major studios and significant rights holders of beloved IP, and they’re all leaning into figuring out collaborations with us,” Farah reveals to The Hollywood Reporter. Readyverse Studios has already decided on holding the rights to Cline’s works, including the 2018 film, which earned $583M, and future works.
“The future has arrived even more quickly than I imagined”, Novelist Cline says about the project. “With Readyverse Studios, we have the opportunity to leverage the revolutionary technology Futureverse has been building for several years to bring to life the best possible version of the metaverse.”
In this life-imitating art scenario, Readyverse will allow users to experience Ready Player One in an immersive way. “Because there isn’t this digital society over here and this physical society we live in… those two things are inextricably linked”, Futureverse co-founder Aaron McDonald says.