During its annual investor’s event, Paramount Pictures has announced a fourth installment for the 2009 Star Trek movie. It will include the cast from the 2009 film starring Chris Pine as Captain Kirk and the rest of his crew members.
In 2009 Paramount revived an old franchise that had been lost and forgotten in the deepest corners of space. With visionary director J.J. Abrams and a brand new crew of young men and women, the USS Enterprise was ready to launch and find new adventures. After its success in 2009, two subsequent films were released Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) and Star Trek Beyond (2016). Now, six years after the third film, and after previous negotiations with Chris Pine had failed, Paramount has finally revealed it will be producing a fourth installment of the new franchise.
No actors thus far have officially been confirmed but most of the original 2009 crew will hopefully be present for the fourth episode. The crew members of the previous three films included Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Lieutenant Commander Spock, Simon Pegg as Scotty, Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura, John Cho as Commanding Officer Hikaru Sulu, Carl Urban as Admiral Leonard McCoy, and Anton Yelchin as ship engineer Pavel Chekov.
The film which has yet to be titled is scheduled for release on December 22nd, 2023.