The Wonder Woman 1984 trailer was the salad of DC FANDOME. The Snyder Cut of Justice League was the whole dinner, steak, mashed potatoes, corn, and just a little bit of gravy. But FANDOME’s little desert at the end was none other than the reveal of Matt Reeves’ The Batman.
In terms of anticipation, The Batman probably sits just a bit below The Snyder Cut in terms of hype. But it’s still hype nonetheless. The panel opened up with Pattinson thanking the fans for making this event happen before it went right to Aisha Tyler and Matt Reeves discussing the film.
The talked about certain inspirations for the film that being hardcore noirs and 1970s Street Thrillers. They talked about shooting before covid hit, which revealed to us that about 30% of the movie has been shot. They discussed how this version of Batman is different from other versions. This Batman is younger and not as sure of himself yet. He’s still finding his own path, but he’s also on a mission.
DC FANDOME ended with Matt Reeves presenting the trailer for The Batman to everyone. And when watched, it is very clear that this is a new take on Batman and a new version of the character and world that we have never seen before. From what I’ve seen, I can say for sure that I am excited for when it releases in October of 2021.