According to Variety, Croods 2, the sequel for The Croods (2013), has been shelved permanently. DreamWorks Animation was bought by Comcast in April of this year and put Universal, the parent company, in charge of animation studio, which was started by Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg. and David Geffen in the mid 1990s. Universal then had doubts about making Croods 2. The release date was even pushed back from 2017 to 2018.
Universal Chairman, Donna Langley met with DreamWorks Animation and has thus ceased production of the sequel. Thirty-some-odd employees are now trying to find other jobs within Universal/DreamWorks.
The first Croods movie grossed $587 million worldwide. It told the story of a prehistoric family dealing with problems such as gathering food while also preparing for imminent doom. It looks like the original cast, comprised of Nicolas Cage, Catherine Keener and Emma Stone, will not reprise their roles, after all.