The upcoming animated film The Little Prince is based on a French novella by Antoine de Saint-Exupery written in 1943. Since then the story has been adapted several times for film and TV, including a 1974 live-action adaptation directed by Stanley Donen and starring Richard Kiley and Gene Wilder. This time around the film will be of the animated variety, and directed by Mark Osborne, director of Kung Fu Panda. Osborne has already lined up an impressive voice cast chock-full of famous names including James Franco, Rachel McAdams, Benicio Del Toro, Marion Cotillard, Paul Giamatti, and Jeff Bridges.
The story is about a pilot who crashes in the Sahara desert and meets a little boy who claims to be a prince from another planet: Asteroid B-612. As the pilot repairs his plane, the little prince tells him stories about where he comes from and the people that live there.
Bridges will voice the pilot, but it has yet to be announced which of the other actors will go with which characters. The film is aiming to release in 3D in 2014.