The oft-told tale of accused axe murderess Lizzie Borden appears to be finding life yet again. Chloe Sevigny (American Psycho) and Kristen Stewart (American Ultra) are reportedly attached to a new big screen treatment of the story behind the notorious crimes, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Sevigny is slated to play Borden, a fragile soul who was tried and acquitted of the infamous axe murders of her father and mother in their Massachusetts home in 1892. Since Borden’s acquittal in 1893, the case has remained unsolved. Stewart is said to be in negotiations to play the family maid, Bridget Sullivan, who was witness to the Borden’s family dysfunction and ultimately testified at Lizzie’s trial. Among the many unproven rumors and theories surrounding the murders was one that Lizzie and Bridget were lovers.
Sevigny, a Golden Globe winner for her turn on HBO’s Big Love, was most recently seen in the FX anthology series American Horror Story and Netflix’s Bloodline series. Stewart has taken a step away from her years as Twilight‘s Bella to focus on such indie fare as Still Alice and Clouds of Sils Maria for which she won a Cesar award.
Pieter Van Hees (2014’s Waste Land) will direct the psychological thriller, from a script by Bryce Kass.
This is by no means the first time that Bordon’s notorious story has been brought to the screen. The most recent version, Lizzie Borden Took An Axe starred Christina Ricci (Black Snake Moan) and aired on cable’s Lifetime in 2014.