Carole D’Andrea, known for her performances as Velma in both the West Side Story Broadway Production and the 1961 film of the same name, has died at age 87. D’Andrea’s daughter, Andrea Doven, recently told The Hollywood Reporter that her mother died of heart failure on March 11th in her Santa Monica home. D’Andrea was married to Robert Mose, known for his role in Mad Men from 1961-1981. She also was one of only six actors to appear in the West Side Story movie as well as its Broadway show.
D’Andrea was born in Pennsylvania in 1937 and went to NYC in her late teen years following her parents death in a tragic car accident. Following the release of West Side Story in 1961, D’Andrea quit acting following the birth of her three daughters. She also taught acting for many years at Carnegie Hall and taught in Hollywood following the 1990s. During COVID, she moved her teaching online and taught up until a week before her death.
D’Andrea was also in recovery and passed on her 44th anniversary day of being sober. She is quoted by saying to her daughter,
the day that I changed my life.
She will be missed and is survived by her grandchildren, Lucia, Francis, Jagger, Lance, and Marlon.