‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Set Pictures Spark Speculation About Returning Character

With more details about Captain America: Brave New World coming to light, including some new casting, one detail suggests a bigger plot element that’ll bring the Avengers back together. That element is none other than Benedict Wong’s character, Wong. 

Wong, who first appeared in Doctor Strange in 2016, is a bookkeeper at the stronghold where Stephen Strange studied to become the Sorcerer Supreme. Since then, he’s worked closely with Strange to protect the earth and its people. 

Comicbook.com shared that Atlanta Filming, an Instagram page that has proved credible in the past, spotted Benedict Wong in costume on the set of the new movie. They also noted that Atlanta Filming was one of the quickest to the draw reporting on Giancarlo Esposito’s confirmed role. 

So far, Wong has appeared in Doctor Strange, Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness. He also appeared in the Disney+ series, She-Hulk. 

His appearance in those films and his sighting on set for Captain America has led many to believe that Brave New World will help connect the story to a new threat the heroes must face. 

Akin to Wong, Nick Fury held a similar role in the earlier days of the MCU, when he would appear in each movie in the lead-up to The Avengers, as he would try to put the team together. 

Captain America: Brave New World hits theaters on February 14th, 2025. 

Raymond Adams: 20 years old, aspiring writer, lives in New England, loves pop culture and all things movies.
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