The core question surrounding the upcoming Arash T. Riahi and Verena Soltiz-directed documentary Girls & Gods is: Can feminism and religion coexist? The documentary was also initiated and written by Ukrainian activist Inna Shevchenko.
World premiering on March 23 as CPH:DOX, the Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, the film follows Shevchenko traveling to meet women with different worldviews and experiences to discuss women’s rights and religion with them. The website of the Copenhagen festival notes “Inna Shevchenko of the Ukrainian FEMEN collective seeks answers to a difficult question in candid conversations with priests, imams, rabbis and other activists.”
“In a groundbreaking personal journey, Inna Shevchenko meets extraordinary, inspiring women, some are fighting against religion, others defend religion, and surprisingly many [have] started to reform religion,” stated a logline for the film. “They all are united by one belief: Women are magnificent. No god – neither in heaven nor on Earth – may deprive them of their rights or subordinate them to men.” It also highlights “the directors weave a compelling and provocative journey, inviting the audience to reimagine sacred iconography through a feminist lens and transform symbols of faith into powerful visions of female empowerment.”
One of the most notable people speaking out in the documentary is Pussy Riot member Nadya Tolokonnikova. The doc is produced by Golden Girls Film in co-production with Amka Films Wega Film. Cat&Docs is handling international sales.
“The initiative to choose film as the medium goes back to my need to go beyond slogans, to go beyond easy answers,” Shevchenko says about the doc. “It’s about exploring my own self-doubts as an activist after years of facing the world with very defined statements. Some day you realize that you can’t go further. The film with all its conversations is not a reflection on my activism, but the evolution of it.”
The trailer for Girls & Gods provides a preview of the debates ignited through these discussions. Watch the trailer below.