‘Batman vs. Superman’ Cast Expands


The eagerly awaited Man of Steel sequel, still untitled, is still two plus years away from premiering on screens and has barely even started principal photography, but makers of the film continue to balloon it’s ever growing ensemble.  Variety reports three actors have signed up for the ‘Batman vs. Superman’ DC spectacle directed by Zack Snyder.  Most prominent is Academy Award winning actress Holly Hunter.  Callan Mulvey (3o0: Rise of an Empire) and Tao Okamato (The Wolverine) have also signed on to the film.  All three are reportedly playing characters original to the film, possibly not linked to the comics canon.

The additions are a part of an already heavy roster of actors that have signed on the film, one that combines multiple superheros of the DC Comics canon. Warner Bros. clearly hopes will kick start a franchise on par with rival Marvel.  Henry Cavill, star of Man of Steel is set to reprise his role as Superman alongside returning cast members Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White) and Diane Lane (Martha Kent.)  Ben Affleck will play Batman, with Jeremy Irons is portraying butler Alfred.  Newcomer Cal Gadot is also pegged to play Wonder Woman.  The Social Network star Jesse Eisenberg is set to play mainstay villain Lex Luthor.  One wonders just how the filmmakers will be able to properly establish all the new characters and subplots while continuing the story already laid out.

The screenplay was written by David S. Goyer, with a polish from Argo‘s Oscar-winning screenwriter Chris Terrio.  Production is currently underway in Michigan and the film is expected to debut on May 6, 2016.

James Tisch: Managing Editor, mxdwn Movies || Writer. Procrastinator. Film Lover. Sparked by the power of the movies (the films of Alfred Hitchcock served as a pivotal gateway drug during childhood), James began ruminating and essaying the cinema at a young age and forged forward as a young blogger, contributor and eventual editor for mxdwn Movies. Outside of mxdwn, James served as a film programmer for one of the busiest theaters in the greater Los Angeles area and frequently works on the local film festival circuit. He resides in Los Angeles. james@mxdwn.com
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