Great Scott, everyone!
It’s been 33 years since Back to the Future first debuted, and we’ve already debunked most of the things that didn’t come true in the second film’s depiction of 2015. Most notably, people aren’t skating on hover boards, and flying cars have yet to become mainstream. However, the Cubs did win the World Series, 80’s culture diners are a thing and, despite Jaws 19 being satirical, it wouldn’t feel out of place in a Hollywood infatuated with making sequels.
As a surprise celebration of Robert Zemeckis’ trilogy, a reunion recently took place under everyone’s noses. Actors Michael J. Fox (Marty McFly), Christopher Lloyd (Emmett Brown), Lea Thompson (Lorainne McFly), and Thomas Wilson (Biff Tannon) made guest appearances at Friday’s Boston Fan Expo, the first cast reunion since the franchise’s 30th anniversary celebration. The four stars spent their day signing autographs and taking photographs together, shown in the tweet below.
They also partook in a panel discussion with fans during which the possibility of a sequel or reboot was discussed. Fox stated that both Zemeckis and co-creator Bob Gale have no interest in rebooting the franchise, having stated on record that such a possibility would only be available when they’re “dead.” Thompson offered a similar response, stating that “…until [Zemeckis] passes, I don’t think there will ever be a sequel. But maybe after he goes, Universal will do it.” However, she has expressed a willingness to return to the franchise should that ever happen.
No matter what the “future” of this series is, seeing the cast come together again really “brought us back.”