Aviron Pictures has recently acquired the distribution rights to After, a romance movie adaptation of the YA series written by Anna Todd. The film will focus on Tessa (Josephine Langford), a ‘good girl’ entering her freshman year of college with family-driven academic ambition and a caring boyfriend. However, her protective environment is cracked after Tessa meets Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin), a mysterious rebel-type whose brooding personality proves quite attractive. Basically, it’s your standard star-crossed lovers premise where opposites attract.
As noted by Deadline, Aviron president David Dinerstein described After as “an authentic tale of first love and self-discovery that will resonate with young adult audiences everywhere.” Dinerstein, who launched Aviron in May of 2017, currently has a sizable roster of films in production, most notably the upcoming neo-noir thriller Serenity starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. Future films also include A Private War, which stars Rosamund Pike as journalist/war correspondent Marie Colvin and releases on November 2.
The After series currently consists of four novels published by Simon & Schuster, as well as one prequel. Alongside Langford and Tiffin, After also features Khadijha Red Thunder, Samuel Larsen, Shane Paul McGie, Inanna Sarkis, Pia Mia and Swen Temmel. The film will hit theaters on April 12, 2019.