The anime series Robotech has been adored by fans since its first arrival in 1985, when the United States was first introduced to the Japanese source material. Filmmakers have been trying for a long time to finally adapt the television series into a big-screen movie, but the process has been derailed time and again. However, as reported by Deadline, it looks like development is finally moving forward again with producers and a writer officially attached.
Production company The Hollywood Gang is the latest to take a crack at the development process, with Michael Gordon has been brought on to writ the screenplay. This same team of writer and producers worked on another successful adaptation (of comics this time) – 300: Rise of an Empire – so they are no stranger to adapting comics and animation to live-action movies.
Robotech the TV series was first brought to America from Japan by Frank Agrama and Harmony Gold, and the show is regarded as the first introduction to America of the singular art that is anime. No director has been officially chosen, but the production is currently seeking Andy Muschietti (Mama) to helm the production. For those of you readers who aren’t familiar with the television show, Robotech was an 85-episode show that featured extraterrestrial invasions and the defenses that Earth put up to stop them. The television show featured the adaptation of alien technology to earthbound “mecha”, which could often transform into normal automobiles (sound familiar, anyone?).
The movie, obviously, has only just been brought back to life, so until there has been a director announced and more concrete plans released, it’s probably best not to hold one’s breath for a release date. Plans for this adaptation have come and gone for several years now, but maybe with the success science fiction adaptations have had recently (Transformers, The Avengers), the stage could finally be set for Robotech to reach the big screen.