With the live action Disney remake craze alive and well, audiences are curious to see what properties Disney will adapt next. Announced for a fall 2019 release, a sequel to the 2014 Adaptation of Sleeping Beauty from the Villain’s perspective, Maleficent has dropped it’s first trailer today.
Angelina Jolie returns as the title characters as the first trailer starts out with her narration some backstory of the last film. She is then seen confronting a King and Queen of a different Kingdom, warning them of disasters to come. The trailer then showcases her fighting off guards, interacting with Princess Aurora, and various other action set pieces all set through a remix of Donovan’s Season of the Witch. The trailer then ends with a final shot of her in a slightly more revealing outfit during a big action set piece.
The trailer certainly tries to up everything from the last movie, though some are curious to whether this movie will be a big success. Despite the popularity of Disney Remakes from a Box Office perspective, some are unsure to whether sequels to them are warranted. This is certainly prevalent when Alice Through The Looking Glass was a major box office disappointment, especially with it being a sequel to not only a billion dollar hit worldwide, but one main film that kickstarted the new trend of Disney remakes. Regardless, it will be interesting to see how Jolie’s return as this iconic character will be perceived the second time around with audiences and critics.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil is set to release October 18, 2019.
Watch the Full Trailer Below: