Andrés Muschietti Tapped to Direct Sony’s ‘Shadow of the Colossus’

Andrés Muschietti will direct an adaptation of the popular video game.Andrés Muschietti will direct an adaptation of the popular video game.

Andrés Muschietti will direct an adaptation of the popular video game.

Andrés Muschietti, the director of the horror film Mama, has been tapped as the new director for the big screen adaptation of Shadow of the Colossus. Colossus, the massively popular video game for the Playstation 2 console, was originally being prepped for Josh Trank (Chronicle) to direct, with Justin Marks (Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li) working on the script for Sony Pictures.

Plans for a film adaptation have been underway at Sony since 2009. The latest changes to the project now see Seth Lochhead (Hanna) writing the newest version of the script. The project has also added Barbara Muschietti, Andrés’ sister, and Kevin Misher as producers.

The game tells the story of Wander, a young warrior who, along with his horse Argo, explores a world where colossi roam the lands. In order to resurrect a girl named Mono, he needs to defeat sixteen of the mythical giants.

Shadow of the Colossus, along with having sold extremely well worldwide, has won numerous gaming awards for it’s design and quality. It is known for it’s immersive environment and expansive landscape. The film adaptation will surely be monitored closely by it’s ardent gamer fan base.

Hollywood, despite having found massive success in adaptations of everything ranging from comics to children’s toys (The Lego Movie), still has a shaky track record with video game adaptations. Movies like Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider are still generally disliked despite box office success.

Michael De Luca and Andrea Giannetti will oversee the project for Sony Pictures.

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