The American Film Market recently switched locations after operating in Los Angeles for years. The organizers, the Independent Film & Television Alliance or IFTA, decided to relocate to the Palms Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas after hosting in Hollywood the years prior.
Tens of attendees were said to have complaints about the venue, Deadline reports. There were long lines at elevators, not enough dining options, it was too loud, and many more issues.
“I’ve had to wait 20 minutes multiple times just to get into the elevator. We’re missing meetings left and right. The food at the Palms is awful and we can’t reserve spaces for breakfast meetings here or at nearby casinos. The food is double the price of LA and the general mood is very low,” a returning buyer mentioned.
Epstein was asked by Deadline if AFM moving to Las Vegas was permanent, but he said that it was confidential: “The goal … is certainly to do what’s best for the community and the industry. And if that means staying in Vegas, we’re going to do everything we can to make that work. And if that means … an alternative has to happen … we would look at whatever that alternative is. And I think that’s kind of what’s important.”
“The negativity is interesting”, he added. “For every person that stopped me to say something negative about the smoke or the elevators, two people would stop me to tell me something positive.”
“I also have my own economic targets and budgets I need to fall within. I need to have a market and be at a market that makes sense for my company, too [Film Mode Entertainment]. So, I’m looking at it from both positions.”
He continued that the event was a lot of work to put on. The organizers said to have reviewed different options for the venue, but Vegas stood out to them.
Organizers said Los Angeles was really not an option to hold the event this year, even after many people asked for it. LA was too expensive and not accommodating.
Attendees and delegates were said to not be able to focus on work, due to the election results. Some were not sure if they would be attending at all. Overall, everyone was missing the LA atmosphere and wanted to return.