At age 89, Emmy award-winning actor Robert Blake died this past Thursday. He is said to have passed on due to heart disease. Blake’s daughter, Delinah Blake Hurwitz, told CNN that her father went “peacefully” while “surrounded by family.”
Blake had had an extensive career as an actor, which is noted by his first known film role in 1939 when he was merely a child. Perhaps his most famous role as a child was that of Mickey in the Our Gang series. Today, some might relate the sequel to the Little Rascals. Much later in life, it was in the 1970s that Blake won an Emmy for his character on the television show Baretta where he played Detective Tony Baretta. His last film role was in the 1997 film Lost Highway.
In his life, Blake’s most significant controversy concerned the death of his wife, Bonny Lee Bakley, who was found murdered inside his car. Although he was arrested and suspected of the murder in 2002, Blake always maintained his innocence and was acquitted in 2005.