Weekly Trailer Roundup – 2/2/15 Thru 2/8/15

Welcome to the Weekly Trailer Roundup, where we count down the top five trailers released in the past week, “top” being defined any way we want to at the moment…exciting, ridiculous, best, worst…

These are the trailers that, for one reason or another, you should be paying attention to.


There are certain films that fit easily into a certain genre or sub-genre and just get lost in the avalanche of similar dreck. Then there are rare breeds that have one unique trait – a character, a setting, a something – which may not create new inroads for cinematic storytelling, but does help them stand out from the pack. So, without further ado, here are some trailers that make their films seem different, yet still a part of the crowd.

#5 – The Salvation

A cowboy movie where the cowboy is Danish? Since when are the Danes intimida- oh, the lead is Mads Mikkelsen, aka “The Scariest Foreign Actor Next to Christoph Waltz.” I haven’t even seen the film, and I’m already more intimidated by him then any character Clint Eastwood has ever played.

#4 – Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter

A world traveling treasure hunting film? Like Indiana Jones? Oh, the protagonist is a clinically depressed Japanese woman. I take there will be very few snakes.

#3 – Zhong Kui Snow Girl and The Dark Crystal

Just your average epic fantasy film…that takes place in hell…and apparently features Satan.

#2 – Walter

Just your average quirky romantic comedy…with a protagonist who knows whether everyone is going to heaven or hell…and gets relationship advice from a dead guy. Why does this sound stranger than the last one?

#1 – Faults

Ah yes, the psychological thriller focusing on a crazy person. But is the crazy person really crazy this time? Is the hero crazy? Is she making him crazy? Is he making her crazy? Are we all crazy? You decide.

The rest:

Straight Outta Compton


Furious 7

Magic Mike XXL

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