Several film projects, such as The Naked City and The Public Eye have been inspired by New York-based photojournalist, Arthur Fellig. However, Director Errol Morris has now undertaken a biographical film that revolves around Fellig and his life.
The film, Weegee, which takes its name after Fellig’s pseudonym, will discuss the photographer’s work— his main artistic focus being street photography. For him, that meant following ambulances and police cars to a scene of a crime or a brawl. His photography took place at night, a quality that made him a well-known photographer since he helped give rise to film noir photography.
Morris, who is known for making documentaries, will direct this movie with producer, Lawrence Schiller. In an interview reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Schiller mentions their motive for participating in this project: “Errol and I have wanted to make a film together for many years, and the connections between Weegee’s own obsession in documenting antisocial behavior and our own proved to be the connection we were waiting for.”