2014 brought fans a new revived Godzilla for the next generation with Gareth Edwards’ live action adaptation of the iconic creature. Now in 2019, the monster returns in the newest installment to Warner Bros’ ever growing Giant Monster universe with Godzilla: King of the Monsters.
The trailer not only sees the return of Godzilla obviously, but also other iconic monsters from Toho, including Rodan, Mothera and Godzilla’s most recognizable adversary, King Ghidorah. In this newest trailer, fans get to see better glimpses of the monsters in question with Mothera appearing to have a more insect like appearance to her and Ghidorah looking as gigantic and powerful as ever. Fans have yet to witness these monsters on the big screen in a modern day blockbuster like this, so it will be a treat for them to witness more than just Godzilla’s wrath and destruction in a effects heavy blockbuster like this.
Gareth Edwards may not be returning this time to direct, but instead Michael Dougherty, known for horror cult movies like Krampus and Trick R Treat will be directing the king of the monsters’ second modern day blockbuster debut. Also featured in the film are returning actors Ken Watanabe and Academy Award Nominee Sally Hawkins, reprising their roles from the first movie. Also being featured in the film as new cast members are Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga and Stranger Things Millie Bobbie Brown to encounter the iconic King of the Monsters.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters hits theaters on May 31, 2019.