Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time adaptation is in final negotiations with Oprah Winfrey to join the cast. Ava DuVernay (Selma) is on board to direct.
Madeleine L’Engle’s popular book is being adapted for the screen by Jennifer Lee (Frozen). A Wrinkle in Time follows children on an adventure through space and time who are trying to find their missing father.
This is the first book in L’Engle’s Time Quartet series to be adapted for the big screen. Other titles in the book series include A Wind in the Door, Many Waters, and A Swiftly Tilting Planet.
Winfrey will portray Mrs. Which, one of the three Mrs. W’s who assist the children on their journey. Other actors being considered for parts are Amy Adams and Kevin Hart.
The casting of Winfrey is good news for fans of the book because Winfrey and DuVernay seem to have a great working relationship. Selma was the last project they worked on together and it came with great success. Sources told Variety that DuVernay always had Winfrey in mind to play one of the three Mrs. W’s.
Winfrey is about to start work on HBO’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.